The Artist Room presents Tired City, Leonardo Devito’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. In this exhibition, Devito imagines a new world where past and present, antiquity and modernity, personal experiences and collective memories collide. Drawing the title of his exhibition from Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1972), Devito blends the real with the fantastical, proposing an alternate world where growing up may not necessarily mean living in a more cynical environment.
It’s difficult to imagine ever getting used to living in a city like Florence. A city where one can walk to Piazza del Duomo and see Giotto’s Bell Tower rising from the ground, or walk alongside the river Arno as the warm sun shines on the Ponte Vecchio. A city where the museums house paintings by Botticelli, Caravaggio, and Raphael as well as sculptures by Bernini and Michelangelo. A city where almost every corner is a feast for one’s eyes. For Leonardo Devito, this was his everyday reality while he grew up immersed in Florence’s rich artistic history.